DPL Consult Data Protection Agency

The most important facts in brief: Data protection statements for websites

A website without a privacy policy? Actually unthinkable in this country. In Germany, the lack of A website without a privacy policy? This should be unthinkable. Within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the lack of a privacy policy is a sign of dubious providers and shops. In fact, it applies: Every website (whether business or private) requires a privacy policy if personal data is collected via the website

The following two regulations are particularly important for website operators:

- Duty to provide information when collecting personal data from the data subject (Article 13 GDPR)

- Duty to provide information if the personal data was not collected from the data subject (Article 14 GDPR)

According to these regulations, website operators must inform visitors to their website about what data they collect and process, how and for what purposes.

What happens if a website does not have a privacy policy?

Anyone who does not have a privacy policy on their website and still collects and processes personal data runs the risk of being charged with Warnings from competitors or Fines the to be confronted by the competent supervisory authority. This also applies to incomplete and incorrect data protection declarations. 

If you have any doubts about the accuracy of your privacy policy or if the privacy policy has not been updated for a long time, we will support you in updating it.

Conclusion: Errors in the privacy policy can be expensive!

  • Websites and shops with incorrect data protection declarations appear dubious and violate legal regulations.
  • Visitors to websites or shops have the right to be comprehensively informed about the use of their data.

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